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A nurse from Croydon NHS standing next to a row of parked cars in a London street

NHS Croydon

Design and artwork

Recruiting more nurses for Croydon

NHS Croydon is looking to attract more nurses to their borough through a comprehensive recruitment drive.

A range of printed materials including brochures, postcards, and exhibition panels highlight not only the benefits of a career in nursing but also the advantages of working in Croydon. A campaign across social media using the #choosecroydon hashtag all help to form a powerful and cohesive campaign.


Work created on behalf of Hachi Digital

Campaign branding for Croydon nurses recruitment drive
Brochure cover design for #choosecroydon campaign featuring a smiling nurse
Page designs for #choosecroydon brochure featuring photos of staff
Postcard designs for #choosecroydon campaign describing different NHS nursing roles
Design of social media assets to support #choosecroydon recruitment campaign
Exhibition panel designs to support #choosecroydon campaign recruiting for NHS nursing roles

The brochure looks great. Thanks for your fantastic response – really appreciated & your portfolio is highly impressive."

Kaya Cheshire - Hachi Digital

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