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North Central London Orthopaedic Network

Public consultation materials

Creating materials to engage and inform the public

NCL NHS was looking to improve planned orthopaedic surgery for adults in north central London. The first stage of this was through public consultation. Bright and informative materials clearly laid out the proposed plans highlighting all the advantages and disadvantages.

The materials had to work within strict NHS guidelines and meet accessibility criteria. The challenge was to convey complex information in a way that residents could understand and engage with. Following a successful consultation, literature is being created on how and where to access treatment across the London boroughs.


Work created on behalf of Verve Communications

Report cover design for a public consultation document for North London residents featuring NHS branding
Page designs for a public consultation document for North London residents produced by the NHS
Exhibition panel design highlighting plan for North London residents by the NHS
Online questionnaire page designs for a public consultation for North London residents by the NHS
Questionnaire designed for a public consultation for North London residents
Infographic design explaing to patients what is involved in joint replacement surgery
Design for series of patient leaflets for North Central London NHS
Designs for soical posts for a public consultation for North London residents by the NHS

You're a genius! This is spot on. Lots of smiling faces in the office. Thanks for coming back to us so quickly and really getting it.

Colin Beesting, Communications and Engagement - North London Partners in health and care

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